Story of the Month: Familiarity

Two cars have collided at an intersection in a residential neighborhood.  Three pairs of witnesses react to it: a man and a woman who are strangers to each other; Sarah and Mary, neighbors on the block; and a husband and wife who watched from their window.


Man: He was going 80 if he was going at all.

Woman: Whatever, it was too fast for this street, that’s for sure.

Man: The skid marks will tell.  See how the cops are measuring them?

Woman: He probably started braking too late.

Man: That’s what made me turn and look: the sound of his brakes.

Woman: Gives me chills up my spine when I hear brakes screech like that.  I couldn’t turn around.  I just stood still and waited for the sound of a crash.

Man: Poor bastard in the intersection never knew what hit him.  Look at the side of his car.  It’s like some giant folded it in half.


Mary: Thank God your kids weren’t out on their bikes.

Sarah: I always tell them to keep on the sidewalk.

Mary: But a car going that fast, trying to stop suddenly…  Why, it could easily have hopped the curb.  Being on the sidewalk wouldn’t help then.

Sarah: Well, no, but—

Mary: And a bicycle helmet, why, that’s no protection at all against force like that.  A helmet’s good when a kid hits a patch of gravel and falls off, but a car bearing down on them at full speed—

Sarah: Mary, it didn’t happen that way, so let’s drop it, okay?

Mary: But things like that do happen.  Every day, somewhere.  All you have to do is listen to the news.

Sarah: Which is precisely why I don’t listen to the news.  Not that kind of news, anyway.

Mary: You’ve got to face facts in this world, Sarah.

Sarah: The facts here, Mary, are that there was a bad accident between two cars on our street, not that a car jumped the curb and hit my kids on their bikes!

Mary: I’m only saying—

Sarah: Well, don’t, okay?  Not to me.


Wife: I always said that corner needed a stop sign.  Didn’t I always say that corner needed a stop sign?

Husband: Stop signs don’t mean nothing to some people.  Fast as he was going…

Wife: He was going no faster than you do sometimes.

Husband: I’m a good driver, and you know it.

Wife: My heart’s in my throat every time you—

Husband: Bah, you always was too nervous.  Have I ever–?

Wife: No, but that doesn’t mean—

Husband: The hell it doesn’t.  You just don’t want to admit it.

Wife: Anyway, I hope now you’ll—

Husband: I’m always careful at that corner.  I know that corner, and I’m always careful there.

Wife:  Still, the city oughta…  For folks that don’t know that corner.  I’ve got a good mind to—

Husband: Go ahead.  Go ahead and write another letter.  But don’t expect—

Wife: Oh, I don’t.  But I can’t let that hold me back.

Husband: Some time you might wanna let something

Wife: I’m not you.

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